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聖經無誤Biblical Inerrancy Lecture Outlines

(讲员 吕沛渊牧师)



Session 1: Introduction: Understanding Biblical Inerrancy導論:認識「聖經無誤」

1. Understanding Bible as the Redemptive Revelation聖經是救贖啟示

1.1 Preliminary Remarks: “Special Revelation”前言:「特殊啟示」

1.2 Necessity of Redemptive Revelation救贖啟示的必須

1.3 Redemptive Revelation as Progressive救贖啟示是漸進的

1.4 Conclusion: Christ is the Center結論:基督是中心

2. Understanding Covenants and Prophets聖約與先知

2.1 Preliminary Remarks: Redemptive History前言:救贖歷史

2.2 Revelation through Covenants聖約的啟示

2.3 Revelation through Prophets先知的啟示

2.4 The Final Revelation最終的啟示

2.5 Conclusion: Bible as the Final Written Revelation結論:聖經是最終的成文啟示

3. Understanding Biblical Inerrancy認識「聖經無誤」

3.1 Preliminary Remarks: the Importance前言:重要性

3.2 The Definition of Biblical Inerrancy「聖經無誤」的定義

3.3 The Present Situation現今的處境

3.4 Conclusion: the Purpose for the Defense and Application of Biblical Inerrancy 結論:護衛與運用的目的

Session 2: Biblical Revelation, Inspiration, and Authority聖經的啟示,默示,權威

1. Biblical Revelation聖經的啟示

1.1 Revelation of Salvation救恩的啟示

1.2 Bible: Verbal Revelation聖經是字句的啟示

1.3 Bible: Propositional Revelation聖經是成文的命題啟示

1.4 Scripture is inspired by the Spirit聖靈是聖經的作者

1.5 Conclusion結論

2. Biblical Inspiration聖經的默示

2.1 Definition定義

2.2 Plenary and Verbal Inspiration全面默示與字句默示

2.3 Absolute Inerrant and Infallible絕對無誤與絕對無謬

3. Biblical Authority聖經的權威

3.1 The Attributes of Scripture聖經的特性

3.1.1 Perspicuity全然清晰

3.1.2 Sufficiency完全足夠

3.1.3 Conclusion結論

3.2 The Spirit and the Bible聖靈與聖經

3.2.1 Internal Testimony of the Spirit聖靈的內在見證

3.2.2 Illumination of the Spirit聖靈的光照

3.2.3 Conclusion結論

3.3 Christ and Bible基督與聖經

3.3.1 Bible As The Word of Christ聖經是基督的話

3.3.2 The Authority of Christ基督的權威

3.3.3 The Authority of Bible聖經的權威

3.3.4 Conclusion結論

Session 3: The Canon of the Bible聖經的正典

1. Preliminary Remarks前言

2. The Canon of Old Testament舊約正典

2.1 The Canonical Books正典書卷

2.2 The Hebrew Bible: 3 Parts希伯來文聖經:三部分

2.3 The Formation of OT Canon正典的形成

2.4 Christ and OT基督完全接受舊約正典

2.5 Apostles and OT眾使徒完全接受舊約正典

2.6 From the Early church to Reformation從早期教會到宗教改革

3. The Canon of New Testament新約正典

3.1 The Canonical Books正典書卷

3.2 How the Church Recognize NT Canon: 5 stages教會如何認出新約正典:五階段

3.3 The External Criterion of NT Canon新約正典的外在標準

3.4 Universal Consensus普世教會的公認

3.5 Conclusion: Canon is Closed結論:聖經正典,不可加添或刪減

Session 4: The Autograph and Manuscripts of the Bible聖經的原本與抄本

1. Preliminary Remarks前言

2. The Inscripturation and Transmission of the Written Word聖經的寫作成文與抄傳過程

2.1 Direct and Dynamic Inspiration直接與動態靈感

2.2 From Autograph to Manuscripts從原本到抄本

2.3 From Manuscripts to Translations從抄本到譯本

2.4 Conclusion: Autograph in Manuscripts結論:原本在抄本中

3. The Inerrant Authority of Bible聖經的無誤權威

3.1 Total Inerrancy of Bible聖經是完全絕對無誤

3.2 The Meaning of Total Inerrancy「完全無誤」的意義

3.3 Conclusion結論

4. Bible and the Church聖經與教會

4.1 “My Sheep hears My Voice”主的羊聽主聲音

4.2 Wrong Views against Biblical Inerrancy對「聖經無誤」的錯誤看法

4.3 Basic Understanding基本認識

4.4 Conclusion: Learn from Peter and Abraham結論:從彼得與亞伯拉罕學功課

Session 5: Church History and Inerrancy從教會歷史看聖經無誤

1. Preliminary Remarks前言

2. From the Early Church to Reformation從早期教會到宗教改革

2.1 Early Church and Middle Age早期教會與中世紀

2.2 Reformation宗教改革

2.3 Post-Reformation改教之後

2.4 Conclusion: The devil’s scheme結論:惡者的詭計

3. Modern Attacks on Biblical Inerrancy現代對「聖經無誤」的攻擊

3.1 The Rationalism and Enlightenment理性主義與開明運動

3.2 The Movement of High Criticism高等批判學

3.3 Liberal Theology自由派神學

3.4 Modern Theology in 20th Century二十世紀的新派神學

4. Cases in North America北美的案例

4.1 Presbyterian Church of USA美國長老會

4.2 Princeton Seminary普林斯頓神學院

4.3 Fuller Seminary富樂神學院

4.4 Other cases其他

5. Confusions in Chinese Churches華人教會的亂象

6. Conclusion結論

Session 6: Reponses of Conservative Evangelicals保守福音派的回應

1. Preliminary Remarks前言

2. Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism in America北美基要主義與福音主義

3. Evangelicals in Britain英國的福音派

4. The Responses of Evangelicals in America北美福音派的回應

5. The Chicago Statement of Biblical Inerrancy芝加哥聖經無誤宣言

6. The Chicago Statement of biblical Interpretation芝加哥聖經解釋宣言

Session 7: Practical Application of Biblical Inerrancy to Church Today實踐「聖經無誤」於今日教會中

1. Introduction: Back to Reformation Faith結論:歸回「宗教改革信仰」

2. Church Confession of Biblical Inerrancy教會公開認信聖經無誤

3. Biblical Interpretation and Application 聖經無誤的解釋與應用

3.1 Expository Preaching解經講道

3.2 Bible Study主日學與小組查經

3.3 Personal Devotion個人靈修

4. So-called Biblical Difficulties所謂「聖經難題」

4.1 Our Attitude我們的心態

4.2 How to Answer如何回答

4.3 Presupposition Analysis問題的前提分析

5. Conclusion結論

Session 8: Q&A, Responses and Interaction問題解答,討論回應